
Home Athletic Event Pricing

Varsity | $7.00 (Adults & Students)
 JV Football | $7.00 (Adults & Students)
Middle School | $7.00 (Adults & Students)

Season Passes for All Sports

These passes will be good for admission to all home athletic contests at Britton and Deerfield. If you attend a number of home athletic events, these passes could provide a substantial savings to your family.

 Students | $50.00
 Adults | $100.00
 Family** | $200.00
 Senior | $35.00  

**Family: Husband and/or Wife and Children who are still in school!

The new passes will be printed and distributed to you as soon as possible.

Since you will not have them before the first home athletic contest of the year, your name will be on a pass list. Please make checks payable to Britton Deerfield Athletic Department.  If you need further information, please contact the Athletic Office at 451-4581 (ext.102).